Who am I?

Zen Maldonado
2 min readApr 29, 2019


This is an introduction to me as a person.

A picture of me and a topographical map of Aruba.

My name is Lizienne Maldonado and I am qualified with my Bachelor’s in English Education.

I am an English teacher. Specialized in teaching English as a second language, English as a foreign language and English as an additional language.

Language has a lot of meaning to me, as I am a fluent speaker of four languages. Which are:

English, Papiamento, Dutch and Spanish. In that order!

You probably haven’t heard of Papiamento, because this language is native to just about 280,000 people on the islands of Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao (also known as the ABC islands). I am from Aruba though I studied in Curacao and frequented Bonaire all my life. As the cliche goes: I live where you vacation.

Though Aruba is a tiny island, we know 7 districts. I am from Oranjestad, which literally translated to Dutch means: Orange city. You might ask yourself why.

Well, Aruba is actually part of the Dutch Kingdom. As a result, I am a European citizen, clad with the passport. This passport has given me the opportunity to travel (very easily) to 17 countries. This leaves me with a fairly blank world map, but this is just more incentive for travel, which is an integral part of who I am.

Countries I have had the privilege to know

I love to write and can do so in any of the above-mentioned languages, though we might need a rain check for Spanish! (That’s alright, I know many excellent Spanish speaking writers)

Currently, I am applying for teaching jobs in the exterior. Come August 2019 I see myself teaching students from the ages of 12 and up English as a second language in a foreign country!

All in all, that’s who I am and what I’m about! If you have more questions be sure to drop them in the comment section below.

